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Book Cover Project, Lord of the Flies, Q1, October 2020, SaLzH-Week

During the digital week conducted by our school in September 2020 students from one of our Q1-English courses designed book covers for William Golding’s dystopian novel Lord of the Flies (1954).

The task was to design a cover that depicts the theme of the novel either by hand or using digital tools like the design program Canva. These covers were then uploaded to a Padlet and students were asked to comment on designs they found especially effective.

This way, the class not only translated their knowledge about the novel’s theme into a new visual medium, but also critically reflected on the ideas presented by their classmates, using and practicing English in a real and meaningful context. The results were very impressive! They demonstrate that successful learning online can be accomplished despite the many challenges that come along with it.

Book Covers Q1 2020

From top left to bottom right: Anna Galimzanow, Duha Kasem, Mia Majora, Lea Hübner, Emmanuel Grätz, Elaine Santana-Jenz