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Dienstag, 25. Juni 2024

Das Grüne Haus hat nun ein Outdoor-Schachspiel für den Pausenhof

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Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2024

Odyssee Plakat DS



Hatzfeldtallee 2-4 [Karte]
13509 Berlin

Tel.: 030 433 70 08

IServ-Support: admins@humboldtschule-berlin.eu

Termine zur Schulorganisation (Klausuren, Prüfungen, ...)

aktuelles Schuljahr

1. Halbjahr, 2. Halbjahr

Vorschau nächstes Schuljahr

1. Halbjahr, 2. Halbjahr

IServ Humboldt-Gymn.


Schulferien in Berlin

Öffnungszeiten der Bibliothek
9:15 Uhr bis 9:30 Uhr
10:30 Uhr bis 10:45 Uhr
12:00 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr

Humbate – Vol 1

Proudly Presenting: Humbate – Vol 1

Thursday June 30th 2016

8.00 Arrival of Organizing Team/ Hall

8.45 – 9.15 Coffee and Welcome/ Outside Hall

8.45- 9.15 Judges Briefing/ Classroom

9.30 – 10.30 First Qualifying Round/ Classroom or Hall

(L1 vs. L2 and L3 vs. L4)

     This House believes that Qatar should not host the 2022 Football World Cup

10.45 – 11.45 Second Qualifying Round/ Classroom or Hall

(L1 vs. L3 and L2 vs. L4)

    This House believes that there is no copyright on culture

11.45 – 12.15 Coffee Break/ Jury Meeting/ Outside Hall/ Classroom

12.15 - 12.30 Announcement of Winning Teams/ Hall

12.45 – 13.30 Final Round/Impromptu Debate/ Hall

13.45 Final Feedback/ Awards/ Hall

A Debating Matters Debate

Step 1: Opening Speeches (Pro 1/ Opp 1/ Pro 2/ Opp 2)

(2-3 minutes/ each speaker)

Participants make their case in uninterrupted opening presentations.

Step 2: Questions from the Judges

(15 minutes altogether)

Moving straight to the judges, the teams are quizzed on the arguments they have made.

Step 3: Audience Questions and team exchanges

(about 15 minutes altogether)

A range of questions are asked by the audience for two teams, the speakers are given a chance to respond. After students have responded, teams are asked to cross-examine each other. The audience can have a final round of questions. The contesters are given an opportunity to quickly respond.

Step 4: Final remarks

(about 1 minute/ each speaker)

Each speaker is given one minute to give their final response to questions, and to sum up their case.

Step 5: Feedback and comments from the judges

(about 10 minutes altogether)

Judges are asked to provide feedback on the performance of each team.